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Traveling is one of the highest priorities on people’s post-Covid to-do lists. After what seemed like never-ending quarantines and border lock-downs, people are yearning to go ANYWHERE that’s not their home or work space and are eager to explore the world again. Despite the financial and economic hardships many of us have faced, there are still several ways to scratch the travel itch without having to spend unreasonable amounts of money.

While spontaneously purchasing a one-way flight might sound like the most exciting and romantic idea of your life, the reality of having no plan is unfortunately wildly expensive. Research your destination and create a budget for everything. Many destinations have tourism seasons and knowing when places are overcrowded will cut down on paying hiked up prices. Make sure you have a solid and reliable plan to get there and back safely before leaving because the last thing you’ll want is to be stuck in a foreign country with no flight or money to get back. Think outside of the box when it comes to accommodations and opt for house-sharing or hostels. Obviously, these all come with their own pros and cons, but avoiding hotels will cut down on costs significantly.

Creating a thoroughly detailed list of anything you could possibly need while traveling will help avoid having to purchase any forgotten or unexpected items at high-price stores. While packing lightly might seem ideal to avoid luggage checking fees, the amount of money you’ll end up spending at your destination will almost certainly outweigh it.

Your travel plan should also include the transportation you plan on using as well as how you’ll eat. Ubers and taxis will easily add up so you’ll want to opt for public transportation, bikes or trains for the most part. If your accommodations have a kitchen, save money by purchasing food from local supermarkets and preparing them yourself. If cooking isn’t an option then research what food is available to you and how much money you’re willing to spend on restaurant experiences.

Factoring in all the big and small details to your travel plan will help to mitigate your travel expenses and allow for you to enjoy travel again without the financial worry.